Grow The Business Through Your Self Betterment

Self Betterment

Grow The Business Through Your Self Betterment

Self Betterment should be considered and essential part of your business. If something’s for free, then you’re the product. I’d also argue that if something is not free, then the person making it’s the product. By ‘product’, it’s not that you have any semblance pottered cup or elegant office stapler. But when you’re doing good, it shines through in everything you do. With bills, stress, and looming deadlines though, how can one develop anything short of a Polaroid picture with the time that’s left over?

Make a schedule and (mostly) stick to it. This might sound silly to someone who’s not used to it, but it really is the best way to keep your life in order. Not just talking about a schedule at work, but at home as well. It should start when you wake up and end when you go to bed. It seems dorky scheduling something like TV time, but without some kind of structure to keep yourself honest, it’s too easy to wake up, skip breakfast, work 8 hours, go home, eat supper, watch TV, go to bed. Repeat for infinity. With a schedule in place, it helps you to do things that are easy to brush off, such as read a technical manual (30 mins), get updated on industry news (15 mins), do some light exercise (10 mins).

It doesn’t have to be in large chunks, but when things are set out, it’s amazing how much self betterment can be accomplished. Conversely, without a schedule it’s equally amazing how easily an extra hour can get blow away by watching ‘just one more episode’. Also, just because you have a schedule in place, try to stick to it, but don’t beat yourself up or stress out if the time slots are not met. It should be a guide; not a punishment.

Focus On the Most Important Product: You

With a life in order, it’s important to grow yourself. The more you learn, the more tools you will get to put into the products of your labour. Inspiration can come from many unexpected places. The video game character Pac Man was inspired by a developer eating a pizza with two pieces missing. Pirates of the Caribbean the movie was inspired by the theme park ride of the same name. To summarize, try new things. Things you like, and Things outside your comfort zone. You never know what might inspire the next great break through, so take it all in.

Also make time for yourself. Especially if you’re in a family situation, one tends to ‘live for the family’. Which is better than living by yourself in a family, but you too need a piece of time where you can do what you want. Spend a half hour rediscovering your love of painting, or find a quite place to be alone with yourself for a while. Everyone needs their own time, and encourage your family members to do the same. By rekindling the things we like to do alone, it can foster self-joy and internal revelations.

With Self Betterment, Quality You Means Quality Time

Encourage your self betterment by remembering that you and your products. The quality of you will shine through in your products. Even an incremental change in your own behaviour or knowledge can pay dividends. By balancing your life, the development will be more focused. Improving your knowledge, the methodology behind the product’s development will improve. By increasing your experiences, the inspiration for the next big thing of next break through may be right around the corner. You are your business. Improve yourself, and your business shall too be improved.

Of course to have time for yourself, you need to find time for yourself, and one of the easiest ways to find time is to make your payroll more efficient by using Canada’s only fully automatic payroll processing software with When payroll processing takes only seconds, it will save you hours over a month; time that you can use to improve your self, and improve the fruits of your labour.


Photo by Saffu on Unsplash