
Canadian Payroll Connected is different than other payroll software. Very different. In fact, we're so different that it's not uncommon for us to get comments like, "You should be more like QuickBooks" or "Payworks" or "ADP" or (insert whichever payroll software you're looking to leave). Ironic, isn't it? They call...

If you know what you worked and you know what the employees worked, then why the heck bother with keeping a schedule? Because the details matter. When all the work is done and years have passed, how can you be sure that the time paid is really the time earned?...

You might know about oil, farming and ranching, but how to calculate overtime in Alberta? If not, then don't worry. Just follow the steps below to find out how easy it is (with one little twist). The good news is too that if you read though this all and still...

When it comes to jeans, one size does NOT fit all. Sure, you could go with a pair of sweat pants, but they’re not durable, barely presentable, and not made for work. Payroll software and services are the same way. A New Brunswick payroll service takes into account the labour...

Looking for an Payroll Deduction Online Payroll Calculator that does more? All payroll software calculates CPP, EI and Income Tax, but only Payroll Connected also calculates Statutory Holiday Pay, Vacation Pay and Overtime, by your province's own unique labour standards, to produce a professional and highly detailed yet easy to...

It doesn’t have the constantly rainy winters of BC or the definitive lack of coastline of Saskatchewan, so why would a Nova Scotian business use a payroll provider that isn’t as unique as the labour standards of the province you operate in? Payroll Connected is a Nova Scotia payroll service...

Self Betterment should be considered and essential part of your business. If something’s for free, then you're the product. I'd also argue that if something is not free, then the person making it's the product. By 'product', it's not that you have any semblance pottered cup or elegant office stapler....

The year 2020 put our lives in a digital bubble. Businesses and other establishments thrust operations online to thrive, pushing even the least tech-savvy people to the forefront of a digital world. Most "new years" become pivotal points for establishments to change processes to flourish. But now, we now have...

What if I told you could hire a payroll professional of over ten years that would be willing to process as many payrolls as you want for just $12 per month, and all you would need to do is to tell me what hours your employees worked. Would that be...

$0.50 Pencil $1.00 Pencil from ethically sourced trees. $2.00 Pencil from hand planted, ethically sourced, renewable tree lot $5.00 Pencil from hand planted, ethically sourced, renewable tree lot with fair wage equalization $10.00 Pencil from hand planted, ethically sourced, renewable tree lot with fair wage equalization and full benefits to help single mothers in...