
The term payroll solution suggest that there is a payroll problem, just begging to be solved, like some grand Sherlock Holmes mystery. “Careful now Watson, deductions are afoot!” If payroll processing is indeed a problem, then Payroll Connected is definitely the solution. Why? Because Payroll Connected is the only Canadian payroll...

How many times have you had to correct an employee’s paycheck? How many times have you, yourself, purchased something sight-unseen? The two are related because if you could have done a payroll preview before the employee payslips were given to them, chances are the mistakes could have been corrected before...

As the old adage goes, “You have to spend money to make money,” (or more appropriately 'to save money') which is true. However how that money is spent is what actually determines if it will come back to you with more of its friends, or if it gets released back...

Dear Reader This letter is just to let you know how happy we are with Payroll Connected. We have been using their software for over a year now and it has simplified our payroll system. We currently have ten employees and Payroll Connected has saved us hours of time in accounting. Payroll...

Free is one of those funny words. They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and yet people offer them all the time. “Come out for a free lunch and learn about…” is a popular way of getting people gathered in a place to peddle a product. However,...

From the onset, learning how to do payroll and all of its calculations may seem like a black box of mystery mired in infinite amounts of complicated calculations and strict laws requiring a PhD to understand. Thankfully, you can stop with the cold sweats, and relax, it’s just payroll! The first...

Even if you have just one employee, payroll is a necessity of day to day business for small business owners across Canada. However, unless your business is bookkeeping, you didn’t get into business to learn all the ins and outs of payroll. Being a smart small business owner, you go...

Many people come to our site looking for a payroll service are located right here in BC, looking for a Vancouver payroll service. Even though we won't take care of your payroll for you, what you’ve found here is even better than that. Why? Because you’ve found BC’s only fully...

Easy payroll deductions are the ones that calculate themselves and even get remitted to the CRA on your behalf. In Canada, we have many benefits that other countries do without, such as employment insurance, a national pension plan, free health care and many other public programs. Go on and take...

When to change payroll software? The short answer is, “On any day that ends in ‘y’.” Payroll Connected has been around for a few years now, and in that time we have had the opportunity to talk with many business owners and administrative professionals that have expressed their dissatisfaction with the...